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Messages - forum-admin

Pages: [1]
Trading Post / Warning: Potential fraudulent member
« on: December 29, 2024, 10:01:29 PM »
Please be warned that a potential fraudster has contacted members with for sale or WTB ads here.  Please be cautious of any contact from "MRxHILLBILLY".

General Discussion / WARNING: Potential fraudulent member
« on: December 29, 2024, 09:38:32 PM »

A person registered for our forum today under the name of MrxHillbilly and has been sending emails and PMs to people about items for sale.  Please be wary of these communications.  This person has been deleted from the forum. 

Your Administrator

General Discussion / Is anyone having trouble posting?
« on: October 01, 2021, 09:20:29 AM »
If you get an error message when logging in or posting, will you send an email to  I think I need to upgrade the forum database because I have been getting error messages when I try certain tasks.  I have not seen any posts by any of the new members I have approved in the last week or two ... I hope this is not the reason.  Anyway, if you can't post messages, email me.


Thanks, guys.  I am working with the web hosting company to figure out the problem (it is their software that is objecting to certain actions from some users/browsers/IP addresses/? or whatever).   Since it does not happen to me, I can't even test things out when they claim to have "fixed" something.

If this continues to be unfruitful, I may need to just change to a different service. 


Trading Post / The Trading Post Board is for non-commercial posts only
« on: December 02, 2016, 09:47:58 PM »
Please note that the Trading Post board is not intended for commercial enterprises, dealers or merchants to advertise their products.  It is intended for local shooters who wish to trade, buy or sell personal items that may be of interest to other cowboy shooters.

Thank you.


General Discussion / Re: Nov ORO Sat
« on: November 10, 2016, 11:30:21 AM »

Less than an hour after you let me know yesterday that the file size was a problem, I told you that the limits on total file size for attachments was raised.  You can attach the stages here.


General Discussion / Re: Stay logged on?
« on: April 10, 2016, 06:36:44 PM »

If you use the menu button (on the bar with "Home  Help  Search, etc")  to login rather than the "Quick Login" box in the upper right, you will go to a different page that will let you specify that you want to stay logged in.  I don't know why these two methods of logging in are different....

I think there is a way that I can add the "Time to stay logged in" to the Quick Login.  I'll work on it.

Heh, heh, figured out how to add this to the Quick Login!

General Discussion / Re: SMSS Reunion
« on: April 04, 2016, 07:51:01 PM »

You can attach files to your message.  There is a button right below the text box where you type the message that says, "Attachments and other options."  The photos can't be real big though. I think 300K is the limit per file.

General Discussion / New Shooter Orientation 12/6
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:59:41 AM »
The will be a New Shooter Orientation on December 6th at 1:30pm at the ORSA range.  See the message below from Tombstone.  Let anyone who may want to attend know!

I will have a clinic or orientation class on Sunday. Come to set-up and we will help on a stage or two and then have a class. If you want to come and have been watching for the next class come on out tomorrow, weather looks great. I will have some guns and ammo, if you need anything specific post here or hit contact us or just show up, we will take care of it.

General Discussion / Welcome to the Oak Ridge Outlaws Forum
« on: September 18, 2015, 08:21:04 PM »
Welcome to the Oak Ridge Outlaws Forum!

We hope you enjoy the new format and that this forum will become a gathering place for cowboy shooters to make announcements, share ideas and have fun!

If you have any questions, suggestions or problems with the forum, please send an email to

NOTE: After registering, you should receive an "activation email" shortly.  If you do not see it in your inbox, please check your email spam folder.  If you still don't find it, let me know at

NOTE 2: Due to a barrage of spam registrations from Russia, etc, the approval process now requires manual approval by me before a registration is approved.  Sorry for any inconvenience, but it is better than the alternative.

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