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Messages - Randy Saint Eagle

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
General Discussion / Re: Winter matches
« on: January 19, 2025, 05:40:48 PM »
Forgive my ignorance but, are the matches dependant upon the temperature like Wartrace (won't shoot if it's under 40 degrees)?

Small clarification, we call off the matches if the forecasted high for the day is less than 40 degrees.


Rules Discussion / 2024 Land Run TG Meeting
« on: October 16, 2024, 12:11:22 PM »
Here are the Land Run TG Meeting Minutes.

Also  the "Post Meeting Note" in the minutes was addressed last year and corrected this year. This is under Stage DQ Penalties in the Shooters Handbook.
Changing location with a long gun with the action closed and the hammer cocked (exception for long guns from the loading table to the stage with no round chambered).

SHB p.22


General Discussion / The 2025 SASS Tennessee State Championship
« on: September 12, 2024, 05:17:58 PM »
The 2025 Tennessee State Championship will once again be at the Wartrace Regulators Range in Wartrace Tennessee June 5-7.  It will still be 12 Main Match stages, 4 Stage Warmup Match, 4 Stage Black Powder Match, 4 Stage Wild Bunch Match and 10 Side Matches all included in your entry fee. Also included is Friday Night Dinner on the range and Saturday Night Awards Banquet at the Bell Buckle Cafe Banquet Hall.
Make plans to join us for great time!

Trading Post / Re: SASS guns and leathers for consideration
« on: June 17, 2024, 04:51:24 PM »
Thanks, I have one 5.5" fixed sight, stainless, looking for another fixed sight.


Trading Post / Re: SASS guns and leathers for consideration
« on: June 16, 2024, 07:46:43 PM »
Is the Ruger Old Army, blue or stainless, fixed or adjustable sights?


General Discussion / Re: 2024 Tennessee State Championship
« on: December 15, 2023, 08:54:12 PM »

General Discussion / 2024 Tennessee State Championship
« on: December 10, 2023, 05:17:12 PM »
May 30 - June 1, 2024

We will still be shooting 12 stages, it wont let me link the application so email me at and I'll send it to you.


General Discussion / Re: RO II Class
« on: August 07, 2023, 05:34:46 PM »
Is there a final decision on the start time yet?

It looks like I’ll be teaching RO2 at the Southeast Regional.


General Discussion / 2024 Tennessee State Championship
« on: June 15, 2023, 09:38:05 AM »
2024 Tennessee State Championship will be May 30, 31, June 1st. I had given some folks the wrong dates so I wanted to get this out as soon as possible.


General Discussion / 2023 Tennessee State Championship June 1-3
« on: February 12, 2023, 11:02:29 PM »
The Tennessee State Championship, The Regulators Reckoning, will be in June again this year instead of October due to The National Championship being on the weekend we used to be on.


12 Main Match Stages, Warm Up, Wild Bunch and Black Powder matches as well as Long Range and Speed Side Matches.

This year we will be the last leg of the Magnificent 7, separate application for this is on our State Match tab on our website.

I'll attach a schedule as soon as it is ready, application is on the State Match tab on our website.


As always even though it isn't in October, Thursday will be "Are You Tough Enough To Wear Pink" day!!


General Discussion / Re: Rule Revision Vote
« on: January 02, 2023, 04:05:57 PM »
My vote will be through Wartrace so I don't have a dog in the hunt here but I would like to offer a question? I have been undecided on this and leaned both way until I got to thinking about this. I know that as long as I’ve been in SASS we’ve had Junior shooters that were capable of being the Overall winner in any of the matches we have and I expect we always will have. My question is will a 16 year old Junior who is able to pick stages to shoot Traditional style or Gunfighter style depending on the stage have an advantage over a 17 year old shooter who has to pick Traditional style or Gunfighter style for the entire match, if both are in competition for the Overall Win?




General Discussion / Re: The second "What would you do?"
« on: June 22, 2022, 09:56:41 PM »
I would start the rifle on the left and pistols on the right. Shooting duelist I like to start my right pistol on the right when possible.


General Discussion / Re: 2022 Tennessee State Championship
« on: June 11, 2022, 05:50:04 PM »
We had 112 shooters signed up as of Saturday, please get your entries in as soon as you can.
To make it interesting if we get to 175 shooters by May 21, 2022 I will donate 1000 Federal Primers. We will have a drawing between all shooters signed up by then (if we get to at least 175) and 1 person will win. Only the ones who actually come and shoot will be in the drawing. Winner will have their choice of either large or small pistol (may be

standard or magnum depending on what I have).

As most of you know we had 202 shooters at the match so there was a drawing and I gave away the primers.  Uncle Ethan was the lucky winner and he gave me back the primers and said to auction them off for the American Cancer Society Fund. They were auctioned off Saturday night at the Banquet and brought $300, that brought us to a total of $3949.50 collected.

 Thank you to Uncle Ethan and all who contributed!!

General Discussion / Re: 2022 Tennessee State Championship
« on: May 24, 2022, 09:51:24 PM »
198 registered as of today for the SASS Tennessee State Championship Woo Hoo!!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
Alias State
Who's Attending for Main Match
28092 Amaduelist Florida
102383 Appalucy North Carolina
102525 Ara Tiest Alabama
107522 Bad Bud Ketchum Tennessee
86366 Barkeep Casey Tennessee
47779 Ben T Iron Alabama
55772 Big Bore John Florida
44055 Big Rock Tennessee
92117 Billy The Avenger Illinois
107814 Blackhawk Ketchum Tennessee
92634 Blackjack Lee Alabama
90942 Blastin' Brad Ohio
29424 Blue Wolf Alabama
63840 Boben Weev Illinois
49594 Bogus Jim Florida
49466 Brushy Creek Bill Texas
106867 Bucky Buckskin Florida
105854 Buffalo Trace Tennessee
108155 Burn Through Illinois
110539 Bush Ax Jack North Carolina
78906 Bushrod Kentucky
15175 Bushy Cap Illinois
88872 Candice B Real North Carolina
40913 Canoe Creek Kid Alabama
90729 Captain Bill Burt Georgia
109927 Carolina Shakespeare North Carolina
111690 Carolina Sunshine North Carolina
109664 Cat A Tonic Indiana
800251 Cavanagh Swamp Dog Tennessee
96415 Cayenne Kay Ohio
109342 Charlie Reb North Carolina
107467 Charlie's Angel Tennessee
38868 Cherokee Sargent Tennessee
81853 Chickamauga Slim Tennessee
83177 Christian Mortician Georgia
87025 Cleve Tennessee
110797 Colonel Lefty Tennessee
108211 Coop Dog Illinois
39162 Copperhead Joe Kentucky
74075 Count Sandor Illinois
92287 Crawdaddy Kentucky
109662 Crazy Case Alabama
53686 Dancin Angel South Carolina
53503 Deacon Henry New York
102522 Deacon Wallace Texas
94239 Dead Lee Shooter Alabama
81578 Deputy Short Stack West Virginia
59089 Dew R Dye Tennessee
110306 Diamond Jake Tennessee
70529 Dobber Tennessee
14373 Doc J. H. Hucklebury Florida
99049 Doc Kay B May Tennessee
28321 Doc Roy L. Pain Kentucky
106697 Doc Southerly Georgia
90920 Dodge City Dixie Tennessee
26871 Duke Skywalker Indiana
88695 Dungannon Gunner Georgia
101677 El Viejo Lobo Alabama
8279 Emmett Moon Tennessee
105296 English Tom Tennessee
92212 Fat Chance Bucko Missouri
112384 Firstshot Tennessee
110754 Fox Creek Stitcher Tennessee
110528 Foxplay Kid North Carolina
77781 Frank Buckshot Tennessee
110755 Fretless Tennessee
100493 G W Ketchum Texas
53738 Garnet Gal Tennessee
94622 Gen MT Pockets Missouri
61160 George Emmett Kentucky
62802 Grey Horse Tennessee
107692 Groundhog South Carolina
99048 Gunbutcher Tennessee
32663 Hassayampa John Mossman Illinois
107250 Hell On Heels Tennessee
111833 Holy Smoker Tennessee
101483 Hopalong Mac McLin Alabama
74289 Hoss Cantwrite Tennessee
90225 Hurricane Charly Georgia
46646 Imis Twohofon Tennessee
109764 Indigo James Mississippi
96965 Iron Cowboy Georgia
103507 Jake on The Take Florida
96984 Jean Duke Illinois
103510 Jersey Bratt Tennessee
34841 Jesamy Kid South Carolina
88932 Jim Powder Tennessee
31360 John Derringer Tennessee
80561 Kantankeres Tank Tennessee
87062 Kid Ray South Carolina
92249 Kid Rich Arizona
91338 Krazy Kajun Georgia
85004 Lash Toru North Carolina
83119 Lead Bone Kentucky
35157 Les Hitts Illinois
110434 Lethal Lu Illinois
106985 Levi Wrangler Georgia
89662 Liberty Walsh Illinois
111091 Lil Feller Indiana
111094 Lil Tink Indiana
61585 Lil Weasel Tennessee
37893 Lonesome Al Illinois
68243 Long Colt Tommy Tennessee
53035 Long Gulch Tennessee
29179 Long Wolf Tennessee
37225 Loose Cinch North Carolina
110087 Lucky Lead Pepper Alabama
102510 Mae B Trouble Illinois
94314 Mar-Lynn Texas
96573 Max Payne Georgia
107558 May B Knott Tennessee
109508 Midnight Missy Tennessee
61103 Miss Kissy Illinois
76367 Miss Weev Illinois
91721 Missouri Lefty Missouri
91720 Missouri Traveler Missouri
108746 Mister Badly Tennessee
107521 Molly May Hem Illinois
84716 Mr. Black Tennessee
95854 Mustang Dave North Carolina
97693 Mustang Lewis Tennessee
74211 Noah Fitz North Carolina
111816 Noruego Fisk Tennessee
31751 Ocoee Red Tennessee
96574 Ophelia Payne Georgia
51909 Partner Illinois
54603 Partner's Partner Illinois
96981 Pearly Heart Georgia
16437 Pecos Pete North Carolina
108967 Picket Tennessee
106279 Pickpocket Kate Tennessee
102421 Pilgrim Joe Tennessee
51167 Pine Ridge Jack Illinois
74038 Pinky Buscadero Kentucky
101953 Polecat Joe Florida
72947 Poncho Tennessee
101535 Possum Alabama
107693 Prairie Dog Kid South Carolina
20408 Preacherman Florida
83580 Pullin Triggers Tennessee
25174 Railroad Bill Missouri
64903 Randy Saint Eagle Tennessee
107296 Ranger Dan Tennessee
46664 Red River Vaquero Tennessee
86367 Renegade Roper New York
90919 Reno Mustang Tennessee
102962 Ricochet Ruthie Tennessee
48552 Ringer Tennessee
105989 River City Bly Alabama
69415 Rubicon Ryder North Carolina
111863 Saltwater Cowboy North Carolina
110348 Sapphire Rose Tennessee
96680 Scarlett Darlin' South Carolina
53737 Scrub Oak Willie Tennessee
99699 Sedalia Dave Texas
35882 Sgt. Eli Illinois
Who's Attending for Main Match
107981 Shagbark Steve Tennessee
92054 Shelleen Florida
93487 Shez A Pistol Tennessee
92250 Shirttail Bess Arizona
40914 Sidekick Alabama
110290 Sierra Hombre Tennessee
38607 Silver City Rebel Georgia
87405 Sixgun Schwaby New York
94002 Sixgun Seamus Ohio
66959 Slater Tennessee
107464 Slow Jen Georgia
95019 Smart Asterisk Florida
107520 Sterling Silver Illinois
87925 Sue Render South Carolina
2773 Sundance Illinois
106883 Suttie Tennessee
50147 Tennessee Snuffy Tennessee
34723 Tennessee Tombstone Georgia
97324 Tennessee Whiskers Tennessee
103658 Tennessee Williams Tennessee
108079 Tequila Shooter Mississippi
111232 The Revenuer Indiana
101293 The Twilight Kid Tennessee
111118 Tilly Two Spurs Florida
106260 Tinhorn Timmy Indiana
101059 TN Missy Tennessee
57419 Tombstone John Tennessee
100317 Toyboy Bandito Tennessee
52426 Trail Bandit South Carolina
105855 Twelve Gage Tennessee
96324 Tyrel Cody Tennessee
94321 Uncle Ethan Tennessee
46427 West Longer Missouri
106284 Whiskey Belle Indiana
67187 Whiskey Creek Johnson Tennessee
41999 Whiskey Hayes Tennessee
34904 Whiskey Mac South Carolina
110564 Whiskey Ro North Carolina
59054 Widder Tennessee
70760 Wild Cactus Jack Indiana
100784 Willy Joe Tennessee
110347 Yohan Tennessee

Total Attending: 198

General Discussion / Warm up for the Tennessee State Championship
« on: May 05, 2022, 08:40:51 PM »
Load up your wagons hitch up your teams and head to Wartrace for our May 7th Cowboy match. It will be the next to last time at Wartrace to tune up for the SASS Tennessee State Championship. If you haven't signed up, you don't want to miss it, right now we have 161 signed up. Just bring your application, signed release and gold dust Saturday to get signed up, or you can mail it in.
Sign up starts at 8:30, Safety Meeting at 9:30 and shooting starts around 10:00. The weather looks to be pleasant, mid 50's to mid 60's while we are shooting. Rain doesn't look to be in the forecast during shooting time but you might want to bring your rain gear just in case.
We will be shooting 5 stages in the Old Town and at least one stage may take you back to 1883, they should be a lot of fun. We will be shooting a Mid-Month Match on May 21st.

Hope to see you Saturday

Randy Saint Eagle

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