In addition to revising the bylaws, a set of Rules and Regulations outlining the general operation of our matches has also been drawn up. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact Uncle Ethan, Steely, or Jackalope. We will most likely have a discussion and vote to adopt or amend the proposed bylaws at the pre-match meeting on 8 July.
Rules and Regulations
Proposed for 2023
SASS safety rules are in effect. Any fired round leaving the shooting bay will result in immediate match disqualification.
The ORSA range has a cold range policy. Long guns will remain open and empty and revolvers will remain holstered and empty until the shooter is at the loading area preparing for the stage. If the shooter must leave the loading table after loading his/her guns, the guns must either be unloaded first or left at the table. Handling guns off the line may be done at the unloading table or at one of the designated safe areas on the AP range.
Muzzle control is critical. Long guns must be carried pointed downrange or with the muzzles up. In any event, do not allow the muzzle of your gun to sweep anyone.
Percussion revolvers may be charged at the unloading table or other safe location, but may not be capped until the shooter is at the loading table preparing for the stage. Again, do not allow the muzzle of your gun to sweep anyone during any phase of the loading process.
Range rules require protective eyewear to be used by all participants and spectators. Wrap-around glasses, side shields and hearing protection is strongly recommended.
Unless specified in the scenario, shotguns will be staged open and empty and shooters may safely stage and restage their long guns as desired. Staging and restaging is at the shooter’s own risk regarding falling guns, 170 violations, etc. After use, all long guns must be safely restaged in accordance with SASS rules or specific stage instructions.
Unless specified in the scenario, shooters may not start a stage touching any gun or ammunition and all ammunition must be carried, staged, and reloaded in accordance with SASS rules.
Side match stages are optional. Scores for side matches will be tabulated, but are not included with main match stage results. Shooters may engage side match stages in any shooting style, regardless of the main match category they entered. Safety penalties will not carry over into the main match.
Shooters are expected to dress “cowboy”, follow SASS rules and help with posse chores to the best of their ability. Allowances will be made to facilitate shooters in need, to the extent possible.
The Oak Ridge Outlaws include specialty categories that are not recognized by SASS including:
Double Duelist: One revolver shot with left hand and the other shot with right hand. All other SASS rules for the Duelist category apply.
Outlaw: You must hold pistols and shotgun below chest level with elbows bent, without aiming or sighting down the barrel. The rifle may be aimed and fired from the shoulder, but that is not required. Pistols must be shot one handed, duelist, double duelist, or gunfighter style only.
Josie Wales: In place of the rifle, two additional revolvers are used. These two revolvers will be loaded with no more than five rounds. (If fewer than ten rounds are needed for the rifle portion of the stage, the shooter will load revolvers as desired, not to exceed the rifle ammo count for the stage each. In the event the stage requires more than ten rifle rounds or includes a requirement to reload the rifle, the Josie Wales shooter may elect to load as many rounds as the stage requires while “on the clock” or just take the miss penalties. At no time will the shooter lower the hammer on a live round.) These revolvers will be fired following the rifle instructions in the scenario. They may be staged in place of the rifle or carried and drawn from belt or shoulder holsters in accordance with SASS rules. In whatever manner these revolvers are transported, they may not sweep anyone nor violate the 170 rule. The shooter may also elect to use a fifth revolver in place of a shotgun. This revolver will be loaded with the exact number of rounds as there are shotgun targets, not to exceed five. The shooter may load an additional round on the clock (in accordance with SASS rules) if there are six shotgun targets. You are not allowed to reload to make up misses.
Match fee schedule:
ORSA Members and Associate Members $10
Visitors $15
(Membership is defined in Article III of the Oak Ridge Outlaw bylaws.
Because our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable shooting experience, anyone who becomes belligerent or threatening in any manner will be disqualified from the event and required to leave the range.