Uncle Ethan was kind enough to bring me a box of these low recoil shells Saturday to try out. They were a dream to shoot.
Upon Uncle Ethan's suggestion I called the Bass Pro Shop at exit 407 to see if they had any of these shells in stock. The guy at the store put me on hold and went in the back stockroom to take a look. He returned and said that he had a few cases of these low recoil low noise 980 fps #8 shot 12 gauge shells in stock. He pulled me out 2 cases and I picked them up this afternoon.
I suggested that he order more to restock. So if anyone needs some, they have a few cases left.
Uncle Ethan was good enough to give me a rebate form to get $2 back per box, so that will save me $40. These forms are also available at Bass Pro Shop.
My shoulder and I thank you UE for the help. I owe you bigtime.
Now if I can only learn to load and shuck them faster I will be ok.