To pass, an item must receive 66% of the votes For. Less than 66% and more than 50%,
means the item failed but can be re-introduced and the next TG Summit as an agenda item.
1) Should the rules be changed to allow the inclusion of "sub-gauge" shotguns such as 28 and 32 gauge for Buckaroos/Buckarettes?
For 99.63% Against .037 Abstain 00.0% PASS
2) Should the MSV for retrieval of dropped/ejected ammo be deleted?
For 88.56% Against 11.07% Abstain .37% PASS
3) Should the equipment regulations for GUNFIGHTER-style shooters be changed to allow the "butt forward" carry/Cavalry "twist" draw?
For 83.76% Against 16.24% Abstain 00.0%
4) Should the penalty for not holstering revolvers at the end of the revolver shooting string be changed from a MSV to a Procedural penalty?
For 85.61% Against 14.39% Abstain
All voted on items passed, if you show up with two butt forward pistols Last Kiss and I will have to see your draw to see if you sweep folks or not.
Also did not vote on the cease fire ruling. They are going to clean up the language in the existing rules.