What happens when a shooter loses his safety glasses during a stage? Does s/he get a reshoot?
The issue was addressed by Pale Wolf and the RO Committee on the SASS Wire:
1) Shooter must STOP (or be stopped) immediately due to the seriousness of the SAFETY issue involved.
This would NOT constitute "RO impeding/interference" in handling a shooter's equipment failure;
therefore there would be NO GROUNDS for a restart/reshoot.
2) If the shooter is able to remedy the issue SAFELY, s/he may continue the stage after resolution.
An RO should be allowed to "safely assist" the shooter in this case (e.g. retrieve & return dropped safety glasses to the shooter if the shooter has a cocked firearm in hand).
*It was later clarified that the RO can also hand the shooter spare glasses from another shooter.*
3) If the shooter is unable to SAFELY resolve the situation (e.g. glasses are broken or end up ahead of an active firing line), there are two possibilities:
Applying the RO2 rules regarding malfunctioning firearms and suspected squibs, if this occurs while using the LAST firearm of the stage, the penalties for "unfired rounds" would be assessed.
If mid-stage with functional firearms remaining to complete the stage and the shooter decides to quit at that point, a DNF would apply because the shooter Did Not Finish.
Thread on the SASS Wire: