Since our match next weekend will include a two-round pistol reload on the clock and most of us have not done this in a long time, I thought it might be good to review some of the rules and options. Here are some things Jackalope and I came up with. Are there other ideas or things to be aware of?
SASS rules that apply:
- Do not load more than five rounds at loading table.
- Do not de-cock/lower hammer on live round or cap.
- Do not holster with cocked/partially cocked hammer.
- Do not release from hand a cocked/partially cocked hammer UNLESS while loading gun.
- Do not release from hand a gun with the hammer down on a live round.
Since the rules about de-cocking a revolver on the line changed a few years ago, the options for reloading vary a bit based on whether you shoot a Colt-style gun (where you have to have the hammer on half-cock to load) vs. a Ruger, etc. you have to be super careful not to accidentally de-cock your Colt-style revolver (where you have to have the hammer on half-cock to load) after you reload it. Just pull the hammer the rest of the way back and fire.
Traditional or duelist style shooter:
1) Draw first gun, load extra round into empty chamber, shoot six, holster, draw second gun, load extra, shoot six, holster.
2) Draw first gun, shoot five, holster, draw second gun, shoot five, knock out an empty, load and shoot two extras, holster.
Gunfighter shooter (…may not holster a loaded/partially loaded gun with intention to shoot it again later):
1) Draw one gun, load extra, draw second gun, shoot 11, holster first gun, load extra in second gun, shoot, holster.
2) Draw both guns, shoot 10, holster one of them, knock an empty out, load and shoot two extras.
3) Draw first gun, load extra round, place on table, draw second gun, load extra round, pick up first gun and shoot 12. *** Not allowed if hammer must be cocked to load gun…Colt style. ***
Cap and Ball gunfighter:
1) Draw first gun, cap extra chamber, shoot once and place gun on table, draw second gun, cap extra chamber, pick up first gun and shoot 11. ***Pretty much the only safe way to do it under current rules, since you don’t want to shoot with an uncapped chamber? ***