I would like to help more at the monthlies (when I can get there).
Two shoots back, I had no extra time as I was also setting up my lady sharing my equipment.
This has been bugging me since the last shoot I attended (2 months ago?)
Some of you know I will always help with teardown. I actually blew it at the last shoot two months ago by being on the 6 stage posse. If I had know the 5 stage posse was going to tear down two stages, I would have been on that posse.
Besides teardown though, I can not pick brass. I just can not see it in the gravel. I can see dozens of pieces of my brass gleaming from 100 yards away, and can not spot it in front of my toe.
I am willing to try spotting. Any other thoughts on how I can help? Assuming my lady is not with me, and then I will still help tear down.
Anyway, I want to do more to help out at shoots when I can make it there.