Wee Doggy,
Turned out to be a decent day to shoot. Definitely an improvement over Saturday. It was a pleasure to meet Fretless & his lady Fox Creek Stitcher. The folks from Greene County Regulators showed up in mass. Besides Fretless & Stitcher, there was Cumberland Mtn. John, Jim Powder, Lil' Weasel, Napa Belle & Napa Sidewinder. Much to my surprise & pleasure, Yohan & Barkeep Casey trekked north to join in the fun. Of course, there were us local yokels, Loco Joe, Long Wolf, Mister Badly, Rico Suave, Steely I. Justice, Uncle Ethan & me own self (Keystone). After a long day on the range 11 hungry & thirsty cowboys & cowgirls headed to Zandunga Mexican Restaurant for fellowship & comfort. My thanks to all who shot with us and worked to keep the match moving along. Oh yeah, a prospective shooter followed along the entire match & thanks to Barkeep for outfitting him to shoot a stage. I think AJ will be back.
Hasta Luego, Keystone