Some rules clarifications were decided at the TG meeting held at EOT last month. The first few of these could have significant ramifications:
Starting in a faulted position: The decision has been made and a clarification will be addressed in the ROI handbook that failure on the shooter to start in the correct starting position or location will be scored a Procedural, not a reshoot. (Example: If the starting position is with a firearm in hands and the shooter starts with the firearm on the table, then it is scored as a Procedural, not a reshoot. Just because the shooter picks up the firearm after the beep, it is not considered corrected.)
ROI, p. 6, 5.f. (Timer Operator): “The Timer Operator never starts a competitor in a faulted position or location. It is not considered a faulted position or location for allowing a shooter to start without appropriately loaded guns or available ammunition on their person.”
Standing upright: If shooter is to start with hands on hat or other stance, they must remain standing upright until after the beep, unless stage instructions indicate otherwise. (Example: Just because the scenario states to point 1 hand downrange does not mean the shooter can have the other hand on the gun or bend down over the gun, unless stage instructions state otherwise. The other hand must be at SASS default, at side not touching guns and shooter must be standing upright.)
Safety checks: Unloading table officers should check that they can see the follower to ensure there is no ammo in the magazine (rifle and shotguns). Look for rounds in the magazine and have shooter work the action of a ’97. (Note: The appropriate penalty is a SDQ for failure to follow LT/ULT procedures.
Following is the long-standing rule, from p.9 of the ROI. “At the Unloading Table, competitors shall unload each of their firearms, and the Unloading Officer must visually inspect all chambers to make sure they are empty. Rifles and shotguns are cycled to verify their magazines are empty.” This includes 87 shotguns too.
Hats: Classic Cowboy/Cowgirl and B-Western (ladies and men) are required to wear hats on their heads, not hanging by a stampede from your string or anywhere else. This is already a rule; just a clarification.
Carrying of shotshell ammo: One cannot carry SG ammo on holsters for later use. It is considered illegally acquired ammo. (Note: It is okay to carry shot shell ammo on the holster belt, just not on the holster itself. Pistol/rifle loops on the holster are legal. )
SHB, p. 22, (Range Operations): “The penalty for using "illegally acquired" ammunition (i.e., NOT carried to the line/staged by the shooter in an approved manner) is a PROCEDURAL. Any targets hit using that ammo are scored as MISSES.”
B-Western pistol style: B-Western shooters can change their pistol shooting style in the middle of the pistol string. This is already a rule; just a clarification. (Example: Shooter can start shooting gunfighter for 5 rounds, place pistols on table to shoot a long gun and then shoot each gun in a traditional style.)
Wild Bunch: Shooters can shoot Henry Big Boy rifles now.