Author Topic: Lets go to Bordertown  (Read 2235 times)


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Lets go to Bordertown
« on: October 21, 2016, 01:44:20 PM »
Well, its that time of year again when Lady T and I make our Westward journey for the regional in Tombstone Arizona. Traveling with us this time is Cactus and Lee, Doc and Appaloosa Honey. We will be meeting Harley, Kiss, Long Gulch, Roma Jane, Cooper and Pistol Creek (I think) in Tombstone.
We got an early start on Thursday and met up in Vicksburg, MS. Pretty much an event free day on the first day thank goodness. Well if you don’t count some Dumb A$$ hauling a load of truck tires loosing 3 tires at 70 mph right in front of us. It was a long drive, about 520 miles, but worth it to get started. Spent night at a nice campground we have used in the past with a shuttle to the casino so did not need to drive any more once we got set-up. Doc and Honey got a late start so they got in pretty late last night, and of course Cactus travels at his own pace so he got in a little later than we did but before Doc. Lady T and I gambled a little but mostly just wanted to eat dinner and try to relax for a while.
Today we are headed to Abilene, TX for the night. Seems there is some steak house that Cactus wants us to eat at, sounds like a good plan to me since I have agreed to cook for this lot for the whole trip.

I figure Harley will chime in some along the way and tell how their trip is going. I don’t know when they are getting to Tombstone but we will get there on Monday for a full week submerged in the ambiance of Tombstone. Of course we will be in full dress the whole time, mostly to aggravate the re-enactors since we look so much better than they do and we don’t take tips to have our picture made with the tourist. Should be lots of fun and we will report along the way. (I was reading this to Lady T and she almost ran off the road when I used and spelled ambiance correctly)

On a side note, the interstate system in this country is in pretty bad shape but I am pretty sure outside of the North, Louisiana is the absolutely worst we have encountered. I am pretty sure my gravel driveway is smoother and rides better. I don’t even want to think about what has shaken loose or broken in the 5th wheel as we went through Shreveport.

For now I think I will let Lady T drive for a while and I will rest my eyes so I can get us through Dallas.


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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2016, 12:58:14 PM »
Spent last night in Abilene, did go to the Steak house Cactus wanted to go to. I had shrimp but I digress. On the road bright and early this morning for our last day of hard driving. Three days in a row driving 500+ miles but well worth it to get out here in three days.
We plan to spend two nights in Las Cruces and roam around a little town called Mesilla with quite a bit of western history including a trial for Billy the Kid. Probably unload the bikes and put a few miles down before we get to Tombstone.
Weather is wonderful, also very dry here, but I think they are used to it being dry. Cool mornings around 50 degrees with highs in the low 80’s. But it is so dry it feels much cooler.

Passed through the windmill farms this morning now in the oil fields, there are even quite a few pumps at work, of course there are plenty that are just sitting there. We will be crossing into New Mexico in about 200 miles or so, dang Texas is a big state. At least the interstate has settled down with less traffic and much smoother surface. Nothing really to see out here except for the oil pumps and flat land. We are climbing steadily since this morning. We started at about 1800 feet and have climbed  to 3000 feet. Should be about 5000 feet by this evening.

Plan to report more later but sometimes these things get away from me. Hope everyone had fun shooting 6 stages at Cleveland today. I know Jackalope and a few others have expressed an interest in shooting 6 at the Oak Ridge Outlaws  but we will probably wait until next spring to try it.
Good shooting everyone and safe travels to everyone that is on the road.

On a side note, we stopped at a picnic area for a necessary break and as we got back in the truck there were probably 20 prairie dogs running around which I know are a nuisance but are just so cute to watch. Also we have taken our dogs (3 of them now) with us for the first time. So far they are doing good and having a good time but we are not in Arizona yet where everything either bite, stings, or sticks so they may wish we had left them at home before it is all over. We have also heard a rumor that Hombre Sin Nombre plans to visit us while we are in Tombstone. Sure hope so, he is sorely missed by this cowboy.

More later

Anita Margarita

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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2016, 09:28:57 AM »
Thanks for the report, Tombstone. Hopefully one of these days we can get out there for Bordertown.

But one 3000 mile road trip dragging a trailer with pets is enough for one year!

The best thing about driving across the county is seeing how much variety there is in America - scenery, weather, animals, culture - we really are lucky people to be living here in this time.

Have safe travels!



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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2016, 10:16:11 PM »
Take lots of pictures.
It didn't happen unless we see pictures.

Have a safe trip and don't feed the prairie dogs. :P



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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2016, 11:28:57 PM »
Spent the day in Masilla ( I have been informed it is pronounces Ma-see-ya), we went to the historic district for breakfast and a little shopping. The town is famous for a trial of Billy the Kid where he was sentenced to hang. His grave is supposedly somewhere near here but there are at least two different burial sites that both clam is the Kids final resting place so who really knows. Anyway did a little sightseeing and then decided we would take a short bike ride. Six hours later and 220 miles we got back to the RV Park.

We rode out of Las Cruses up to Hatch, pepper capital of the world, through miles and miles of pecan orchards. Then went from Hatch up to Hillsboro, home of the Whittle and Spit Club, from there we went up into the Gila National Forest where we climbed up to around 8300 feet above sea level. It got pretty cold at the elevation. There had been a huge forest fire some time either last year or the year before. Wonderful vistas and scenery with deep gorges and cliffs. Came out of Gila National Forest and went to Deming then back to Las Cruses, A very long ride time wise but was well worth it I think. We saw Deer, a roadrunner, more hawks than I could keep up with and if you ever saw Wild Hogs, the scene with the grasshoppers really is true. We hit some rolling hill farm lands and the grasshoppers beat us to death. Thankfully they pretty much stayed low to the road so mostly boots and legs got hit although occasionally one would get up high enough to do some damage to a head or cheek.

We are heading to Tombstone tomorrow midmorning and should arrive around 4:00 or so. Plenty of time to get set-up and get into town to soak up the ambulance. Been looking forward to this trip since last year when we got back. Looking forward to seeing the town again and seeing friends I only see at the match.

Everyone is doing good and we are all looking forward to getting somewhere we can stay for more than a day or two.

I will check in after we get settled and roam the town for a few hours.

I really dont do pictures but I am sure I will take a few of the stages to send to Judge since he always ask. Maybe Lady T will take some since she is on vending out here this time.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 02:02:35 AM by Tombstone »


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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2016, 03:09:58 AM »
We are here, Tombstone Arizona. My home away from home. I love this town and this area. Very unforgiving land that has changed very little over the hundred plus years we have been out here.

Got here early afternoon and got set up for the week, did not go into town until after dinner, wonderful to walk down the streets our heroes and villains walked before me again. Not much this evening except for a visit to Big Noes Kates and maybe the Four Deuces. Nothing but relaxing after Heldarago(sp) here in Tombstone.

Tomorrow we are going to Bisbee for a little shopping and maybe take a ride for the afternoon. I figure  we will run into a few SASS shooter tomorrow evening.

Not much today except the beauty of South Arizona and the feeling of Tombstone.
More tomorrow I hope.


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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2016, 01:22:52 AM »
Camp Cookie got up this morning to walk the dogs and spotted s few lots that would make a great RV pad for one or three RV’s if we ever get to do something like that. Cooked breakfast for the crew and decided to head into Bisbee for a little shopping and looking around. We went to the bar we go to every time we are in Bisbee and of course made friends with the bartender. He was telling us about the oldest bar in Bisbee and we had to go see it, and I got to tell you, if I am in a bar and the bartender recommends another bar I am going to check out that bar. Anyway, it was the oldest bar in Bisbee, had great old pictures on the wall, one of them was of newspaper articles from the early 30’s or there about. One of the articles was talking about Memphis and I looked a little closer and the paper was the Chattanooga New Free Press. That was pretty neat to see something from Chattanooga in Bisbee.

One of the things Lady T bought was two first addition books by Steven King. I don’t think anyone has read the Dark Tower series except Jackalope but she found me first additions of Songs of Susan and The Dark Tower. Brings my Dark Tower series first additions to 5 of the 7 books. If you have not read the series it is an excellent read. Seven books, I have it on CD’s, there are 110 disks in the set.

Anyway, got back to Tombstone and saw Long Gulch, Pistol Creek and Harley getting settled in. They are about a block up from us.  We also met a couple of SASS shooters, one was from Norway and one from Sweden they  had a drink with us after dinner and talked about how it was getting their guns to America and getting them back into their country, Tomorrow we plan to go into town and do a little shopping at the local stores, I never have enough vest it seems and there is a store here that has a long wall of them to pick from.

We will go to the range tomorrow to get registered and get a look at my posse for the match. I will try to get some pictures for Judge. I think tomorrow is Wild Bunch and Plainsman with Side matches on Thursday. I am looking forward to seeing friends I only see out here and spending some time talking foolishness. Having a great time and have almost gotten acclimated to Pacific time. Getting better at staying up past 9:00 but still wake up at 7:00 Eastern time. Seems my dogs don’t really care about time changing as we moved across the country.

More tomorrow after we visit the range.


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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2016, 01:58:31 AM »
What a fun day we have had in Tombstone today. Lady T and I went to the range to get registered and get a look at the stages and posse. Looks like a wonderful posse with all of our crew along with Sassy Dancer and Windy City Red. Looks like about 20 or so on the posse. One of the posse is a fellow named Berry Slow, I knew I had heard the name and probably have met him a one match or another, but when I was looking at the shooters book low and behold he is the Match Director for Bordertown. No pressure there I guess. We have already seen quite a few folks from this side of the Mississippi and look forward to spending time visiting again.

Stages look very straight forward and if at all possible the targets might be a little closer than last year. I don’t know how to post pictures but I will try to get a few to the folks who know how to and let you all see what big and close really means. The biggest problem with that is getting off of one target and onto the other one before you pull the trigger. Lots of chances to get a P instead of a miss. Writing looks very straight forward with the lines reading such as “Rifle and Pistol order is…” I never had much liked the rifle being one pattern and the pistols being something else. Got to talk to Lasseter and CA Chance for a while, they sure made me feel very welcome along with our whole crew. I think they like us Southerner coming in for entertainment if nothing else.

Side matches tomorrow along with the warm-up matches. The whole gang is here, Kiss, Roma and Cooper came in today. So posse 8 is looking good and ready to shoot starting Friday afternoon.
I will let you all know how the side matches go tomorrow and hopefully a story or two to tell about the town and foolishness.


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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2016, 11:12:22 AM »
I didn’t get around to posting anything last night, by the time I got back to the camper I was  glad I did. My 66 broke on the first rifle run, busted extractor. I would have left 6 rounds in the rifle if it had broken today. Shotgun Boogey is working on it and I hope has it fixed this morning. If not I always have my 73 but am not as smooth with it. I still feel like I am fighting it every time. Got talked into shooting a 4 stage warm-up match in the afternoon. I couldn’t figure out why they wanted me to shoot until I discovered they needed a Posse Marshal. I was elected PM by about 20 people that did not even know me. I enede up with a few misses, a minor safety and an intention P, of course that is what warm-ups are for so that was a successful day. I did have the two speed demons on my posse for the warm-up. Saw Matt Black shoot an 11.5 second stage. Kid never stop moving, it was amazing. Glad I don’t feel the pressure to shoot like that. That would just lead to frustration.

I got Fast Harley to be my second for the Walk Through, stages look pretty straight forward, targets are too close if that is possible. Still easy to miss it seems but maybe I can slow down just enough to hit everything today.

Went to dinner last night with the whole crew and who showed up??? Hombre Sin Nombre, it was great to see him again. He plans to come to the range today and wrangle brass for us. I will be happy just to have him around again even if it is only for a few hours.
We shoot the second shift today, safety meeting is at 11:00 and we will start as soon as that is over. Looking forward to getting started and seeing how it will go. I will let you all know how the Tennessee folks do out here in the west. Weather is perfect, maybe a little warm in the afternoons but as they say, it is a dry heat so it does not feel as hot.

Later everyone.


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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2016, 04:39:45 PM »
Thanks for the updates!  Hope you are having a great time!

Jackalope...(who would have his nose stuck in a 1st edition Dark Tower book....)
Jedi Gunfighter Lucky #7
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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #10 on: October 30, 2016, 11:51:58 AM »
Well gentle readers it has been a few days since I last posted but I will try to catch up on the happenings in Tombstone.
I think at last report we had finished sidematches and had called it a night before the main match started. We had 6 stages on Friday, we shot 1 – 6 on the first day starting at 12:30 after a safety briefing from TA Chance.  We had large posse around 28 or so shooters including the match director. The posse ran smoothly, took us about 4 ½ hours. I had a few sub-twentys and nothing over twenty 4 seconds. Harley and I both were fighting our shotguns but were able to remain clean for the first day. Long Gulch would have made Jackalope proud on most of the stages. I think he had on that gave him a little trouble. Cooper did a great job and shot really well. Cactus fell apart on stage two and after that just started having fun. He was the entertainment for the match to say the least. He was shooting in true Cactus style. I was trying to push hard and see if I could mess with the Gunfighters out here but on our last stage of the day I could not resist crossing my pistols on the draw, luckily I was able to clean the stage at a respectable time so got a few style points along with a 20 second stage.

I think I mentioned on an earlier post that my 66 had laid down on me during the speed events and I gave it to Shotgun Boogie to repair. I did not get it back until the last stage of the day but did get to shoot it on that stage.

The night before I had invited Harley, Kiss, Long Gulch, Roma, Pistol Creek and Cooper to dinner at the campground, Lady T then proceded to invite the blacksmith and is wife, we also had Hombre and our friends from Colorado Terry and Gina so we had 17 folks here for dinner on Friday night. We had a wonderful evening sitting around talking. The Blacksmith, Brian, had many great stories about this area, it seems his great grandfather came out here before Tombstone was even settled and was killed in the only bank robbery in Tombstone. We tried to make it an early night since we had to be at the range at 7:00 in the morning.

Day two started bright and early, good chill in the air with no breeze. First stage was killer for the black powder shooters and spotters but a slight breeze finely showed up by the second stage as it warmed up and helped clear the smoke away. Again the stages were fast and the posse moved well. We started on stage 9 the second day and all was going really well, I was probably within 3 seconds of one of the top Gunfighters in this area and running hard. On stage 11, Miles pulled a "P" and a miss and gave me the opening I needed to jump ahead of him. Everything was going great until on stage 12 my recently repaired 66 jammed up and I could not clear it. I had to lay it down with 8 rounds in the magazine. Took at 70 second stage to fall off the charts to say the least. Did I mention it had just been repaired by Shotgun Boogie due to extractor problems? To say I was a little upset would be like saying Hillary is a little bit crooked. Took it back to Boogie calmly told him I had just lost 8 rounds, a clean match and probably a buckle due to the extractor that I had brought it to him for originally. He took the gun apart again and discovered I needed longer linkage so I had too much head room and the extractor was not getting to the shell base. He had to longer links he wanted to put in for me but again I told him to just put my gun back together and I would have my gunsmith fix it when I got home. I think he was a little surprised that I did not want him working on my gun again. The things he changed on the gun really did help but he did not catch the original problem so I can assure all you readers he will never get a chance to work on another of my guns. Anyway I did finish strong and was clean all the way through not counting the ones in the rifle. I think my total time was around 300 seconds so I ended with an average of 25 seconds per stage which I am very happy with.  Harley did end up with a clean match, Last Kiss received a “P” on our 5th stage of the day when she shot through the wrong opening in a barn. I was TO at the time but could not stop her quickly enough, she already had her pistols out and cocked so there was nothing to be done about it.
All in all it was a great match, lots of fun, a few tears (mine mostly) and plenty of laughs. We are already planning on coming back next year and if anyone wants to join us there are plenty of places to stay if you don’t have a camper and if you do want to camp Stampede RV Resort takes really good care of us. The apps come out sometime in March and it fills up in about 5 days. So let me know and we will send in all the apps together.
Heading over to the awards shortly and will try to post the results as soon as I can. Today we are heading to Silver Springs, NM for a few day then on to Albuquerque for a few more days. We really wont be back until week after next. 


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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2016, 05:21:33 PM »
Since we are not back yet I think I will take you all on some more adventures. We are in Silver City NM for a few days and wanting to ride we chose to ride the Trail of the Mountain Spirits. This road starts in Silver City goes to the Gila Cliff Dwellings up Hwy 15. Calling it a highway is somewhat misleading kind of like Hwy 129 along the Tail of the Dragon is a hwy. Anyway, this road is so much like the dragon it is scary but we went up anyway. Only 45 miles to get there and it took a little over 2 hours to reach the Cliff Dwellings. The Dwellings were well worth the trip. Absolutely amazing what the people were able to do way back then. They have dated the dwelling to about 1200 AD. They have been used by many different tribes since then but it was really impressive. We came back down the Trail of the Mountain Spirits through Mimbres and back into Silver City. Ride was about 130 miles and took about 5 hours for the whole loop. It was so much fun Doc and I decided to do it again today going the other way.

Tomorrow we are heading to Albuquerque for a few days, we plan to ride the Turquoise Trail and go through and to Madras where Wild Hogs was filmed. Should be a big time.

Cactus and Lee have parted ways with us to go up to Sedona AZ for a while, we are going to try to meet up with them in Oklahoma City and go to the Cowboy Museum for at least one day and two if don’t see it all.

Looking forward to coming home but not in any hurry, still having a good time out West and seeing a lot of animals we just don’t get to see very much. Mule Deer’s, Antelopes, Jack Rabbits, Road Runners and hopefully an elk or two and of course we are always on the lookout for the elusive Jackalope.
Weather has turned cool with a start of 45 degrees this morning so having to dress warm for the rides but still fun. No rain so far and I hope it stays that way for another week or so.

More later I hope.


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Re: Lets go to Bordertown
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2016, 09:04:33 PM »
... always on the lookout for the elusive Jackalope.

Not likely that you'll see me or any of my kin in New Mexico...but be very careful what you wish for.

Have a safe trip!
Jedi Gunfighter Lucky #7
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