There is a pretty big discussion on the SASS Forum about when a gun is holstered for a Gunfighter. Pretty long explanation but what it boils down to is that as soon as the barrel of a pistol is inside the opening of the holster it is considered holstered. A Gunfighter can not holster a loaded pistol with intention of using it again. Such as moving to a second position for pistols.
This came up when a stage called for a split pistols, shooter shot 5 rounds, holstered the pistols with this hands on the grips, moved to second pistol position and drew the guns back out to finish the string. Shooter maintained contact with pistols so thought he was good to go. Palewolf has ruled that as soon as the barrel passed the opening of the holster it was holstered.
Gunfighters can correct guns that were holstered at the wrong time as long as they are in the original position. ie. I shoot 8 rounds and holster, I am allowed to redraw and shoot the last two rounds. This is not considered holstering with intent to redraw.
This from the SASS Wire:
A revolver is considered "out of leather" (for the purposes of determining whether there are "two loaded revolvers out at the same time") as soon as the muzzle(s) CLEAR the mouth of the holster; the opposite applies in regard to what is considered "holstered" soon as the muzzle ENTERS the mouth of the holster, the revolver is no longer "in hand" and is now HOLSTERED as far as GF rules are concerned.
A scenario was presented to the ROC a week or so ago and the quotes below were taken into consideration in "making the call" that:
a GF is in violation of the following category-specific regulation whether the hands leave the grips or not:
...a gunfighter may not holster revolvers with the intent to engage another revolver sequence when shooting GF-style.
Penalty is a the "PROGRESSIVE" PROCEDURAL/SDQ/MDQ for "failure to adhere to the guidelines of the category".
Safe for movement in hand, while holstering, and safe to leave the shooter’s hand.
Hammer fully down on an empty chamber, Hammer fully down on an expended round (may not be originally staged in this condition but may be restaged in this condition).
While the above restrictions apply, there are additional considerations for the Gunfighter. When shooting "Gunfighter Style," a gunfighter may not holster revolvers with the intent to engage another revolver sequence. Once cocked, all rounds are to be expended prior to holstering unless the revolvers were drawn at the wrong time or a revolver/ammunition malfunction has occurred. Physical stage design may allow a competitor shooting "Gunfighter Style" to stage or restage revolvers between firearm sequences.
Definitions: "Gunfighter Style" is defined as having a loaded revolver in each hand at the same time. There is no set pattern as to how the revolvers are to be fired, but alternating revolvers is clearly the most efficient.
Revolver in hand – when the muzzle of the revolver clears the mouth of the holster, or breaks contact with a prop upon which it was staged.
ROC additional clarifications related to the application of the above clarified definition of "HOLSTERED":
" soon as the muzzle ENTERS the mouth of the holster, the revolver is no longer "in hand" and is now HOLSTERED as far as GF rules are concerned."
** A GUNFIGHTER is allowed to correct the situation with NO PENALTY as long as the revolvers are "out of leather" before changing location or firing another firearm during stage engagement if revolver(s) are "holstered" after firing the first 5 rounds.
The "HOLSTERED" definition also applies to the following STAGE DQ violations for ALL categories:
Returning a revolver to leather with hammer not fully down on spent round or empty chamber.
Holstering or staging a revolver with the hammer down on a live round.
** Any shooter (in any category) attempting to holster a cocked revolver is also allowed to "undo" any penalty for doing so by SAFELY drawing the revolver (before letting go of it), pointing it safely downrange, and either pulling the trigger to drop the hammer or de-cocking under the direct supervision of the T/O.
~ PaleWolf Brunelle ~☆☆ Jedi Gunfighter #172 ☆☆
☆☆ Jedi Gunfighter of the Year 2014 ☆☆
"Don't let your mouth overload your hardware, cowboy."
-- Frank Culpepper
"Friend, you better get another line of work; this one sure don't fit your pistol."
-- John Bernard Books