Author Topic: Rule Clarification: Exception to "overlapping targets" rule  (Read 4000 times)

Anita Margarita

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Rule Clarification: Exception to "overlapping targets" rule
« on: December 23, 2015, 01:52:46 PM »
Here is a clarification that was buried in another thread addressing a different subject, but it might be worth mentioning:

There is a rule that says that if a (poorly-designed) stage has targets so close together that it does not allow the shooter an opportunity for a "clean miss," the shooter should not be given a P for hitting the target adjacent to the one they are shooting at because you cannot determine if it was simply a miss. 

Pale Wolf clarifies a twist on this: If the stage instructions allow the shooter to shoot from the location of their choice (e.g. "anywhere along the  firing line" or "from the window of your choice") and the shooter chooses a location were the targets overlap instead of another position where there is ample separation, then this rule does not apply.  Hitting the wrong target will earn a P.

Reference: Post #67 on this thread: