Hot off the press. Brunelle, #2495L
SASS RO Committee
PaleWolf Brunelle, #2495L
RO Committee
10,828 posts
SASS# 2495-P
OOWSS, Umpqua Regulators, Siuslaw River Rangers, RUCAS, Jefferson State Regulators, Klamath Cowboys, Wolverton Mt. Peacekeepers, Molalla River Rangers
Report post
Posted 7 minutes ago
1) Shooter stages cocked rifle with live/unfired round in the chamber.
SDQ for moving from the LT to the stage w/rifle in that condition.
SDQ for staging rifle in that condition (as soon as it leaves the shooter's hands)
= MDQ for “Two SDQ violations on the same stage” – SHB p.24
2) Shooter stages cocked rifle with empty chamber.
SDQ for staging the rifle with the hammer cocked (as soon as it leaves the shooter’s hands).
No additional penalty for "changing location" (moving from the LT) under the rule change.
3) Shooter has cocked rifle "in hand" to start.
Drop the hammer
If chamber empty = NO CALL
If chamber loaded = SDQ
Applicable rules:
- Staging or discarding a long gun containing a live round in the chamber (once it leaves the shooter’s hands).
- …
- Changing location/moving with a live round under a cocked hammer or firearm with the hammer down on a live round.
- Changing location with a long gun with the action closed and the hammer cocked (exception for rifle from the loading table to the stage with no round chambered).
Safety & Handling Conventions – Rifles
- Rifles may be staged with the magazine loaded, action closed, hammer fully down on the empty chamber (NOT the safety notch), with the muzzle pointing in a safe direction (adheres to the 170° rule).
SHB p.15
Cocked – hammer not fully down (full, half-cock or safety notch).
Hammer down – hammer fully down at its final resting position.
SHB pp.44-45 “Glossary of Terms”
~ PaleWolf Brunelle ~