The powers that be are trying to figure out how to vote on rule changes on line or through the mail.
The first test will be a proposed rule change that has come up many times over the last few years.
It involves leaving the Loading Table with a cocked rifle, they are cleaning up the wording now but basically it will state
if you go to the firing line with a cocked hammer on your rifle you will be asked to point the gun down range and pull the trigger, if it clicks then no call, stage the gun and start the stage, if it goes off, SDQ for moving with a cocked loaded gun.
I will post the exact wording as soon as I find it. I will also be talking about this proposal at the next few shoots to see how the club wants me to vote. Right now it is a SDQ to leave the Loading Table with the hammer in any position other than fully down.
I for one am all for it. This rule has gotten a lot of us and should be addressed if there is not a safety issue.