Author Topic: Funny Story  (Read 753 times)


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Funny Story
« on: November 21, 2021, 04:59:39 PM »
Well at least everyone that has heard it thinks it is funny.

Yesterday I went over to Slaters to walk him through winterizing a RV. I had him hook up a compressor with about 40 PSI to the water supply and open faucets one at a time until they were blowing air. Also had him bypass the hot water heater so he could drain it. I had him by pass the unit then remove the drain valve. Anyone see the step I left out right there?
OK, here are some questions, how fast can a 7 gallon water heater empty with 40 PSI of pressure on it through a 1 inch hole?
Second question how far will said water travel?
First answer: faster than you can see, move or imagine.  Say half a second
Second answer - about 4 feet because that is where I was standing when Slater got the drain out.
Yes, I was hit with 7 gallons of water (cold thankfully) center mass. My hat was dripping water and my shoes were wet along with everything in between.
Slater did an incredible job of not falling over laughing or at least not until I had left.
Also, all that stuff in the bottom of a water heater, that all shoots out too.
Lesson learned? Never open a water heater without re-leaving the presser first and where is the video when you really need it?

TN Mongo

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Re: Funny Story
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2021, 05:38:14 PM »
Video of the event could have won you big bucks on America's funniest videos (glad that the only injury was your pride).

Early this week I "winterized" a lawn mower and my small generator.  I added some Sta-Bil to the gas can and proceeded to run both machines.  The mower project went off without a hitch.  I was not so lucky with the generator, however.

I filled half of a Solo cup with gas and headed up the carpeted stairs inside the house to pour the gas into the generator located on the deck upstairs.  Half-way up the stairs, the bottom of the Solo cup was melted by the gas and poured onto the carpeted stairs.  Kitty Kat was none to pleased when she came home later that afternoon.  Who doesn't like the smell of gasoline in the house?  The smell is getting better, but the verbal abuse from my spouse hasn't subsided much. :o     


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Re: Funny Story
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2021, 01:04:51 PM »
Gas in a Solo cup on a carpeted stairway in the house.

Folks, you can't make this stuff up.


At least the gasoline had some Sta-Bil added so it won't go bad.

p.s.  You can always improve the odor with a generous splash of Ballistol.

Splash of Ballistol, now that's funny.

Aw adventures in camping.