On the SASS Wire there are often rules clarifications that Pale Wolf (as representative of the ROC) posts on "What is the Call?" threads. I think it would be good if those of you who look at the SASS Wire regularly would post here when you see an official ruling, not only because not everyone looks at the SASS Wire enough to keep up, but also because these clarifications do not seem to be archived anywhere else. (I know about this archive:
http://oowss.com/ROCornerIndex.htm but it does not seem to have everything.)
Here is one I saw recently:
The shotgun is the last gun shot and there is an empty hull left in it at the end of the stage. The shooter puts the shotgun down on the table (on the firing line) perhaps to retrieve his/her rifle or whatever. Then s/he picks up the shotgun (with empty still in it) and walks to the unloading table. Do they get an MSV?
Answer: No.
Logic: Since at any other time during the stage, you have until the next gun is fired to remedy the empty hull situation - even after the gun is set down - the MSV does not apply until the shooter releases control of the shotgun at the unloading table. This is only if the shotgun is the last gun fired.