Tombstone is having trouble posting the whole message. Here is the complete text:
ITEM #1 - Allowing competitors to shoot Gunfighter style in the Junior Category.
OPTION 1: (VOTE NO) - No change. Under current Gunfighter category rules, Gunfighter is an open category. (No age restrictions). A Junior could shoot in the Gunfighter category.
SHB p. 10: Above the Base Categories listed in this handbook, the local club monthly match and club annual match level, all SASS recognized shooting categories may be offered by subdividing by all factors, including age, gender, shooting style, and propellant.
*Shooting categories offered at any match are ultimately at the discretion of the Match Officials to ensure the success and viability of each match individually.
OPTION 2: (VOTE YES) Allow Gunfighter-style in the Junior category as follows:
SHB p.5:
Age based categories are offered to allow all participants to compete amongst their peers. Age based categories carry the following guidelines:
- May use any main match revolver.
- Revolvers may be shot in any SASS legal shooting style - EXCEPT Gunfighter.
* Junior category shooters may shoot Gunfighter-style under close supervision.
ITEM #2 - Revised BP Standard
A majority YES vote on this item will result in the Shooters Handbook being edited to read as follows:
SHB p. 25
Power Factor / Blackpowder Smoke - Testing
... Testing of blackpowder rounds for the production of adequate smoke will also be conducted in a similar manner as described above. Rounds should be obtained from the shooters loaded firearms while at the loading table. The rounds should be fired in comparison to test rounds made using the following load data:
- Standard .38 Special case
- 125 or 158 grain bullet
- Any common substitute