You will be reliving some of the experiences shared with your old friend, Bob. You were very fortunate recently to run into him and the two of you spent the afternoon recalling the many adventures you shared together all those long years ago. Some of those adventures were the reason for his nickname, Bad Luck Bob.
Bad Luck Bob played a big part in your life. He managed to get you your very first paying job as a cook on the cattle ranch. You put an end to the Bean Brothers and their corrupt operation, but Bob said he pretty much lost his taste for chili right then.
You both had a good laugh when Bob kidded you about the first horse you bought. He had never seen such behavior in a horse. Who in the world would ever buy a horse named Loco in the first place? Bob will never let you live that down.
He also reminded you about the big fight when you got lippy with that short-tempered blacksmith. Anybody with a brain in their head knew the blacksmith could swing a hammer pretty hard. He nearly knocked your head off!
You also talked about how hazardous it could be if you challenged someone cheating at cards. That was pretty risky considering how many people in that room had guns. It could have gone either way, red or black.
Bob’s all-time favorite story was how you saved his life when he was being chased by the hostile renegades. You still have vivid nightmares about the arrows flying at you. Bob always thought you should have gone to medical school after that.
It was great to talk with Bob again. All those years ago, many of the things that were a pretty ordinary part of the day, seem awfully frightening now. Maybe you and Bad Luck Bob will cross trails again sometime down the road.
It’s nice to reminisce with old friends.