Stages are set, weather is looking great at the moment, now lets talk about what is really important. Where to go after the match.
I visited a new restaurant today in Oak Ridge, it is in the same building as Lincolns, new owners, managers, menu, even a new theme, (see if you can guess what it is.) Anyway, I talked to the manager and told her we were looking for a place where we could socialize, drink a little and eat a little. She offered us the game room which has 8 or 9 tables, couches, bar with stools along one wall, pool table, fooze ball table, a couple of servers and a guarantee our beverage needs would be filled.
I make a motion we give Swifty's Atomic Bar and Grill a try and see what we think. Here is the webpage, I understand Doc and Honey along with Cactus have eaten here already. Great beer selection for Mongo. everyone on Saturday