We are not in a gunfight nor are we training folks to be in a gunfight, that would be more like IDPA, cover & concealment. Many shooters are not vying for a top ten finish & only have one opportunity per month to enjoy being a cowboy/cowgirl and shooting single action firearms. To these shooters it isn't about preparing for larger annual multi-day matches. Let's not forget that beyond safety it's fun & comradery that are the best part of the CAS/ SASS monthly match and not all out competition. If CAS was only about the top performing competitors we would have one posse of 10-15 shooters. You do not have to choose using a reshoot or restart. I guess I see a single reshoot as an available courtesy at monthly matches. I have never been to a larger match where someone had a ammo or firearm problem & stated, "what about my reshoot". Come on, it isn't that big of a problem.
Hasta Luego, Keystone