Seeing as how there is an RO-I Class coming up on October 8th, I thought it might be time to reprise the posts I put on the Ocoee forum a few years ago. (Some questions have been changed slightly.)
Many people are unaware that there is a double-super-secret, (but absolutely official, I'm sure) SASS Rules Wizardry Exam. I happen to have found a copy of this exam and will post some questions from it here. Keep in mind that some of the rules have changed even since these questions were posted 3 years ago, so be careful....
Question #1:
How many penalties and why?
With your rifle, you sweep the 10 targets left to right, as per stage instructions, but on the 6th shot, you get a “click,” but no “bang.” You lever the rifle and out goes a live round onto the ground. You shoot your next shot at target 7, then 8, 9 and 10. At the end of the rifle string, you open your lever, but not quite enough to eject the last empty case. As you put the rifle down on the table, the lever hits the table and closes. The TO says, “Action open!,” but you do not hear him and run to the next table where your shotgun is staged.
You pick up the shotgun and fumble a shell and it lands on the table. You grab it, load it and continue knocking down all the shotgun targets.
Done with the shotgun, you put it down and run to the third table. You hear the RO yelling, “Hull!,” but you already have your first pistol out of the holster, thumb on hammer, ready to cock. Careful to keep your pistol muzzle downrange, you run back to the shotgun to remove the empty hull that is still in it. After doing so, you knock the shotgun stock with your hip as you are running back to table 3. The peanut gallery is yelling, “Shotgun closed!,” but the TO says nothing.
You get back to table 3 to shoot your pistols. In all the excitement, you forget that you signed up for Classic Cowboy category today and you cock your pistol with your off-hand for the first shot. By shot number 2, you are back on track. Determined to make up speed at this point (!), you cock your second pistol as soon as it clears leather, pointed at the ground a couple feet in front of you. All 10 pistol shots are on target… but oh, no, you swept them from right to left, opposite from the stage instructions!
Stage over. Other shooters are still pointing at your shotgun. You walk back to it and it is closed. You open it and it is empty. You walk back to the first table to get your rifle and see that the lever is closed. You set your shotgun down at the edge of the table while you check the rifle. You open the rifle lever and an empty case falls out. While you are levering your rifle, your shotgun slides off the edge of the table and lands on the ground, pointing downrange. You head to the unloading table, knowing a few things went wrong, but … how bad could it be?
Your raw time was 46.28. What is your total time for the stage? (Show your work.)
A) 111.28 seconds
B) 101.28 seconds
C) 91.28 seconds
D) 71.28
F) None of the above