Author Topic: Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2  (Read 1710 times)

Anita Margarita

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Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2
« on: September 25, 2017, 03:41:37 PM »
This is Question 2.  If you have not read Question 1, please do so before proceeding to Question 2: here.

SASS Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2

How many penalties and why?

After your disturbing first stage, you shake it off, take a hit of Red Bull and are ready for Stage 2.


As you are picking up your rifle, you hear the TO yelling something.  As soon as you pull the trigger for your first shot, you realize that what the TO had been yelling was, “Pistol!”  Oh yeah, the pistols were supposed to be shot first.  After the first shot from the rifle, you do not open your lever, but place the rifle back on the table and pull your pistol instead.  You hit all the pistol targets in the correct order.
You pick your rifle back up and continue your rifle string where you left off and finish correctly with no misses.  After the 10th shot, you are supposed to load an extra round and shoot any rifle target.  Since you are shooting Classic Cowboy today your rifle is a .45, but the bullet loops on your belt are for .38s and you had no place to put your extra round. You solved that problem by sticking the extra round into the buckle on your gun belt - wedged between the leather and buckle -creative!  Now you retrieve the round, load and fire.  Hit!

Next you pick up the shotgun and knock down two targets.  You need to move to the Table 2 for the next two shots.   Without opening the shotgun, you take off running that way.  A step before reaching the table, you finally open the shotgun and shuck the empties.  You stop, load two shells and knock two more targets down.  The stage is over. You go to the unloading table.

While the TO and counters are discussing the score, you come over and say, “I should get a reshoot due to the TO coaching me.  If he had not yelled, ‘Pistol,’ I would have just shot my rifle instead of putting it down to shoot the pistols.  That cost me time.”

Your raw time is 32.74. What is the total time for the stage?  (Show your work.)

A) 42.74
B) 47.74
C) 57.74
D) 67.74
F) Reshoot


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Re: Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2017, 11:19:52 AM »
This one takes a little more research, I had an answer and I know it was wrong, pretty sure I have it now but will wait for others to chime in. Not as many penalties as I originally thought.

Fellow is still having a bad day.

Outlaw Sam Bass

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Re: Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2017, 03:27:43 PM »
If this is not a reshoot (due to the coaching issue), then I think the answer is 67.74 for three MSVs (rifle configuration, ammo staging, and shotgun configuration) and a P (shooting out of order).

Outlaw Sam Bass

I''m still taking the class, whether I got this or not.
Outlaw Sam Bass

Steely I. Justice

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Re: Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2017, 05:43:33 PM »
Here goes -
Shooting the rifle out of sequence is P  +10 sec. Rifle was staged correctly between first shot and pistol string - no other penalties here.
I see no issues with staging of the rifle round and use of the round to complete the rifle string.
I see no issues with the shotgun. Hammer was down on empty hulls when moving. As long as 170 is not broken,
the cowboy can open it and shuck the shells while moving. New ammo was loaded and shot standing in place.
There are no grounds for reshoot. TO did not impede progress of the shooter.
Seems to simple - what am I missing?


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Re: Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2017, 08:19:45 AM »
OK, just so Anita Margarita does not have to do all the work, this is what I see

Shot rifle out of order = P

Laid rifle down with lever closed and rounds left in rifle = No call per RO1
   Rifle Safe to leave the shooters hands.
             Hammer fully down on an empty chamber or spent round, action closed (restaged for further use)
Round carried to the line in an un-approved manor. = P but he already has one so no further score damage.
Round should be scored as a miss = 5 seconds
            The penalty for using "illegally acquired" ammunition (i.e. NOT carried to the line/staged by the shooter in an approved manner) will be a PROCEDURAL. Any targets hit using that                                                                                                                                                     ammo will be scored the same as MISSES. NO adjustments will be made to the stage raw time.
Moving with a closed shotgun = No Call per RO1
     Shotgun Safe for movement shotgun in hand only
             Action open, round in chamber or on carrier
             Hammer(s) fully down on empty chamber(s) or expended round(s), action closed.
No reshot for TO interference or improper coaching.
1 – P, 1 – M = +15 seconds
47.74 total time.
Next shooter
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 08:22:57 AM by Tombstone »


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Re: Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2017, 08:29:37 AM »
These are calls we are having to make at about every shoot, it makes it a lot easier if the shooter knows what they did wrong as opposed to having to explain it and maybe argue about it. The rules change and get updated, clarified or explained on a regular bases.

Take the class and learn the rules we play by.

Anita Margarita

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Re: Rules Wizard Exam - Question 2
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2017, 12:22:32 PM »
Thank you, Tombstone.  That is the answer I came up with as well.

The topic of illegally acquired ammo has come up in two threads on the SASS Wire just in the last week or two.  It is clearly still a misunderstood rule.

The reshoot issue is based on this bit from the RO-I Manual (v.21.6 p.23):

"Proper coaching or no coaching at all is not considered RO Interference and therefore will never be grounds for a reshoot/restart."

The TO telling the shooter before he shot his rifle that the pistols should be shot first was not improper coaching, therefore not grounds for a reshoot.  If the shooter did not understand what the TO was saying until he had already cocked the rifle, it is not the TO's fault.  At that point the shooter has to figure out for himself that he already has the P so there is no need to waste time putting the rifle down and shooting the pistols.

If you want to look this stuff up in the RO-I Manual and don't have it, look on this forum under the "Rules Discussions" board.  There is a topic there entitled "SASS RO-I Manual" where you can down load the PDF file. Be aware that there have been some changes to the rules since this booklet was published in 2/2016.  I try to post significant changes that I come across in the Rules Discussion board, so please scan those. 

There is also this webpage where they post info: RO Corner  (Don't ask me why this isn't on the SASS website....)

Hopefully a newly updated Rules Book will appear sometime.


p.s.  Question 3 will appear shortly....
« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 05:16:44 PM by Anita Margarita »