I started something I should have done years ago.
My brother died about 15 years ago, and among items left to me is a box of ammo. I hadn't looked into it until now, as I knew about what it contained. I reloaded all his hunting ammo, for a 7.7 Arisaka (31-cal Jap), and a .375 H&H Magnum. Our hunting loads were hot, so I would not let someone else fire his loads in a different rifle. So I have pulled the bullets and dumped the powder, leaving the following 7.7 components:
28 primed cases
89 fired cases
27 pulled bullets (.312)
In addition, I have the following for 7.7:
56 new Hornady 174-grain Round Nose bullets (.312)
I set Lee reloading dies
I haven't finished pulling the 375 H&H bullets, and do not have an inventory yet.
I need to start cleaning stuff like this out.
Anyone interested?