Here is discussion topic on the SASS Wire that I never really thought about before:
QUESTION: If a double-barrel shotgun* shooter is moving from one position to another with an EMPTY shotgun and the action closes while moving, what is the call?
ANSWER: If the shooter stops and opens the action before taking more than one step, it is a no-call. If the shooter takes more than one step, it is a SDQ. Ouch!
(* The only time this does not apply would be to a hammered double with the hammers not cocked. A hammerless double cocks on opening.)
Here are the applicable sections of the rule book:
Page 22 of the shooter's Handbook under "Stage Disqualifications"
- Changing location with a long gun with the action closed and the hammer cocked Page 15 of the shooter's Handbook under "Safe Conditions During a Course of Fire – Shotguns"
A shotgun is considered SAFE for movement (in hand, while moving through a stage in the following condition only:
- Action open, round in chamber or on carrier.
- Hammer(s) fully down on an empty chamber(s) or expended round(s), action closed.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here is the thread on the SASS Wire: