Fun is at a premium of any kind, right now.
Also, there is not too much life in the forums for a while now.
Depression, and apathy are widespread, and some of that leaks over into Cowboy Action, I think.
Many can't participate due to underlying conditions, and the rest of us can't be as free as once was.
However, Cowboy matches have always been a great escape from the world and we don't need to
lose sight of that. Hopefully someday there will be more than the "New Normal."
CAS is only a game, but remember: That is the beauty of it!
It's true, all being said, that we are not doing Tn. State, or Ambush partly because of the state of things
but mostly L.K.'s pain level.
As for me, I have been having "fun," and excitement roofing my front porch, and working in firewood
for the winter.