Author Topic: Mail in match 2  (Read 1041 times)


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Mail in match 2
« on: April 21, 2020, 07:50:56 AM »
If you have a home range or can get to a range shoot these stages and send in your scores to Sudden Sam by Saturday evening.
Three tables, center table 48 inches wide, tables spaced 36 inches between tables.
Targets. Pistol targets 16"×16". Placed 16' from back of left table. Rifle, I am useing cowboy targets placed 36' from back of center table.  Shotgun. 4 knock down placed 24' from back of table shot from.

Stage 1.
Targets.  3 rifle, 3 pistol, 4 kd.
Staging. Pistols holstered, shot from left table. Rifle staged on center table. Shotgun staged on  center or right table.
Gun order pistols or shotgun first.
ATB.  Pistols, double tap center target then sweep the three targets and repeat.
Rifle from center table repeat pistol instructions. Shotgun, 2 kd from center table and 2 kd from right table.

Stage 2
Targets. 3 rifle, 3 pistol, 4 kd.
Staging. Pistols holstered, shot from left table. Rifle staged on center table.  Shotgun in hand at right table.
ATB. Shotgun first, both hands on shotgun, engage 4 kd anywhere from right table to center table. Rifle, engage targets with a 2-3-5 sweep. Pistols from left table repeat rifle instructions.

Stage 3
Targets.  3 rifle, 3 pistol, 4 kd
Staging.  Pistols staged on left table. Rifle on center table.  Shotgun on right table.
ATB. Hands  on that. rifle 1st.  With rifle engage an outside target 1 time, then 4 on center target.  Then engage the other outside target 1 time, then 4 on the center target pistols or shotgun next.  Pistols repeat rifle instructions. Pistols may be holstered or restaged on table. Shotgun from right table 4 kd.

Stage 4
Move pistol targets to center. 2 kd on each side of pistol targets.
Targets.  3 rifle, 3 pistol, 4 kd.
Staging.  Rifle on left table.  Shotgun on center table.  Pistols holstered.
Gun order.  Rifle, pistols or shotgun.
ATB.  Hands on rifle. Engage outside targets twice each and center target 6 times in any order. Pistols or shotgun next.  Pistols repeat rifle instructions. Shotgun 4 kd.

Stage  5
Targets. 3 rifle, 3 pistol,  4 kd . Targets are placed same as stage 4.
Staging.  Rifle on left table. Shotgun any table.  Pistols holstered.
Gun order. Rifle not last.
ATB. hands on gun/s of choice. Rifle , engage targets with two sweeps from same end. 1-1-3. Then 3-1-1. Pistols from center table repeat rifle instructions. Shotgun,  2 kd from left table and 2 kd from right table.


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Re: Mail in match 2
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2020, 04:33:03 PM »
Let's shoot.