As with many of the school systems throughout the country, my youngest grandson's is closed. He didn't get to go to his prom, can't have a graduation party. Mother's Day weekend (May 10, this year- just a reminder) would have been his graduation ceremony, which also won't happen.
I thought and thought about what I could do to help celebrate from afar. One of my ideas is to ask my Cowboy community to help out.
I'm asking anyone who can to send a graduation card (which are very hard to find) or a congratulations card (which are easier to find).
This is absolutely NOT a request for gifts, monetary or otherwise, just a card.
If you would be willing to send a card, here is his name and address. Please include a blurb that you know his grandmother, Tammy, so he doesn't think cards are being sent out of the blue.
Jaden Fite
889 Van Buren Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45215
If anyone else in the community has a graduate experiencing the same situation, please feel free to list on this thread, or start a new thread, so we can help out.
Thank you for reading my request, and thank you in advance if you are able to help with my project to brighten what would have been his graduation weekend.